
 Interested parties should fill out this application form: Link here.


- Applicants must fill out membership application accurately and to the best of their ability. Should applicants lie on their application, they shall be kicked out of the unit and barred from membership and attending events with the unit. 

- Applicants should expect to be contacted regarding an interview.

- Interested applicants shall conform to all unit rules and regulations, will be assigned a mentor or sponsor who is a member of good standing, and shall have a probationary period of 2 events after which the applicant will be voted in by the unit and must pay dues. 

- Members should be able to pass a basic knowledge test by the end of their probationary period.

- Must be at least 16 years of age; if applicant is under the age of 18, applicant shall attend events with the unit with their parent or guardian, or have written or verbal (verbal witnessed by board member and at least one other person) of parent or guardian and designate a unit member over the age of 21 to be the applicant’s guardian for the duration of events until they are 18. Those who wish to attend Newville must be over the age of 18.

- Possess no serious criminal record (serious is defined as violent crimes, theft, and crimes against children). 

- Must strive to complete their uniform within one year of joining the unit. Guidelines will be provided.


- Dues will be $20 per person, every year. To be paid prior to the Fall Newville event, which is the unit’s main event.


- Must pay dues and adhere to unit responsibilities and rules, failure to do so may end in the revocation of unit membership.

- Members are responsible for interpreting their chosen role and portraying that role as accurately as possible. Please be sure to document your sources. Relate honest and documented information to the public. Should a member wish to tell folklore and stories surrounding women’s experiences, please preface the story with a disclaimer that the story is unconfirmed or fiction.

- Members are responsible for making or purchasing their own uniform, help and  general guidelines will be provided. Adhere to the standards set by the unit.

- Members should be friendly to the public/spectators, and otherwise treat others the way you wish to be treated. Malicious rumors will not be tolerated within the unit. Discourse amongst members about their impressions is encouraged if it is for the betterment of a unit member’s impression, but it is that person’s duty to do so tactfully and back up their comments with facts- and be okay if they are proven wrong by the person they are giving advice to! Everyone has their own sources and materials for interpretation. The goal should be to educate and help each other, not to tear each other down. 

- All members must help maintain a safe environment. This includes but is not limited to enforcement of weapons safety, not being visually intoxicated, no bad temper/arguments/fights, etc.. Not only is this to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment at events, but also maintains a positive view of our unit by the public and other units. We must maintain a good social standing amongst other units and with event organizers so that we all may continue to enjoy events as a unit.


- Right to a safe and enjoyable environment at events

- Membership card (reproduction ID card)

- Attending events that the unit goes to

- Being a part of a great community of living historians that can share information with each other

- IN PROCESS FOR 2025: RK mug (painted from an OG by Julz with your initials or nickname)
